LeveL Best ArtCafe's 'Time to Stop and Share' Art Competition
has returned, with a new theme for February - May 2011,
The competition is open to anyone frequenting the cafe between these months and ordering food, otherwise entry is 20p.
Entries must be completed on the premises with our selection of pencils and colouring material and should ideally relate to something personal to each artist, a dream they have had or their own interpretation of the word.
Work will be judged by a panel of trainees and staff on appeal and the winner will be notified by the end of May with a chance to win a £5 voucher for food in the cafe.
See attached poster for further details and enjoy. Colin McAllister Marketing Support Assistant
"The art department were asked by the kitchen to make chocolate boxes for the Easter Produce.Sarah and Jane originally thought of making chickens but since we are a vegetarian cafe, Adam suggested rabbits.
The Process
The body
We took one large and one small balloon, blew them up and then coated them in vaseline, adding a layer of squares of torn up newspaper all over. We then added a layer of watery PVA glue and continued until we had covered the balloons two to three times, letting each layer dry overnight.We then stuck the two balloon shapes together after popping the balloons inside, cutting the rims to fit and then neatly sticking newspaper and PVA over the joins. The Ears
With old polystyrene pizza bases stuck together as supports - we covered them with newspaper and glue to make ears, which were cut out crescent shapes drawn along the edges. These were stuck on at the neck area with strong brown waterproof tape. The Rest
White paint was painted all over them and legs were added to make them stand up. Eyes and mouths were drawn on paper then stuck on with glue.A circular hole was cut out of their backs with a Stanley knife - big enough to take an old pasta sauce pot for use as a plant holder. Later chocolates were made and packed up into the rabbits, with ingredients and price labels tagged on. Paper flowers were the finishing touch.
We then took the finshed articles across town to the natural History Musem, Castle Park, Timperley's Clock Museum and other locations to take photographs of them in a natural setting.
We have since used these photographs to make cards for Mother's Day and Easter".
Jane Ostler arts co-ordinator.
The rabbits are on sale now for £4.50 and make an excellent plant holder after the chocolates are gone. A selection of drawings by LeveL Best trainees in the art room
Seasonal Produce at the LeveL Best ArtCafe combines the talents of the kitchen and art department and ensures that all trainees and staff have some input in the creative process, from ideas to manufacturing and finally marketing and sales.
Our next Seasonal project will be for 'Fathers Day', so watch this space for June.
In the village of Llamberis North Wales, I moved to Coventry at a very young age, where I spent most of my early life. I attended Copthorn Secondary Modern School, where an Art Teacher called Mr. Lewis Noticed that this rather disruptive pupil enjoyed Art, poetry, music and pointed me in the right direction.
My favourite artists are Botticelli, Turner, Picasso, Dali and I am very interested in Calligraphy, Illumination including Illuminated Manuscripts and books.
I am not the sort of artist to paint or sketch, pastoral scenes, life or panoramic views, though I must stress I admire those artists who do. I feel that if you can see such scenes with your own eyes or indeed a camera or a good artist it is not for me to try and capture the mood or emotion, evry person / artist see the same pictures or images in different ways.
The sort of work that I do is in my minds eye and very personal. I think that art in many respects should cause discussion and critical comment; I just hope that visually my work will make some sort of impact. I use very different materials and like to experiment, plaster, clay, acrylic and pastels etc, I must be honest I do find water colour a very hard media to use and I do appreciate those who excel in its use, I do hope you enjoy my work.
John's Show lasts from 18th March- 15 April at the Level Best ArtCafe
Recycled materials like CD cases and newspapers helped in the creation of our Mother's Day Card project at Holly Trees Museum, based on a 1950's Kitchen serving jam and bread.
this is the 4th time we have shown work in the Garden Room in the past three years, following the "Chinese Figures", "60's" Portrait Heads" and the "Medieval Bowls and games". For our photo shoot we tried to make everything in the picture: the wall tiles, clock, bowls, the table top and even the washing up bottle. The resulting cards are on sale for £1.50 from the artcafe. We continue to welcome new people to our team, young and old alike, some in transition from school to workplace. We try to keep in step with the seasons so watch out for our Easter project!
The Project will be on display at Holly Trees Museum in Colchester's Castle Park until further notice, so if you happen to be passing, get a look at the real thing. Level Best ArtCafe staff and trainees.